When Is It Wrong To Burn an American Flag?

Many people will hang the US flag on their property as a reflection of their patriotism and love for their country. However, their flags can become worn over time and require retirement. Although the US Flag Code stipulates that flag owners can dispose of their flags via burning, you should ensure that you do it with the proper reverence. Read on to learn when it is wrong to burn an American flag and the proper procedures you should follow in this process.

When You Shouldn't Burn the US Flag

When performing an American flag retirement ceremony, it is best not to do it on a random day of the year. Instead, many people follow the procedure published by the American Legion, which sets June 14—Flag Day—as the appropriate day to retire flags. In addition, people should retire their flags during the nighttime hours, as opposed to during the day.

Other Tips for Performing a Flag Retirement Ceremony

Now that you know when it is wrong to burn an American flag, it is important to be aware of other practices for retiring Old Glory. For example, when you conduct the ceremony, try to make it a private and low-key event to ensure no one nearby misinterprets it as you being disrespectful.

In addition, make sure you build a large fire and properly fold the flag before burning it. After setting it on the fire, you should salute it and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Do not stop the burning process until all that’s left of the flag is ashes. Following these traditions allows you to retire the flag respectfully.

Where You Can Take an Unserviceable Flag

If you do not have the resources to perform a retirement ceremony, you can take the flag to others who will dispose of it properly. For example, the American Legion frequently accepts unserviceable flags for respectful disposal.

Local fire departments and government offices sometimes provide similar services. By contacting these organizations, you can ensure your flag receives a respectful retirement.

Handling an unserviceable American flag with care and respect shows honor for everything the flag symbolizes. If your US flag has reached the end of its useful life and you need a new one, contact Liberty Flagpoles today. We offer American-made flags in multiple sizes so that you can show your love for your country inside or outside your home or building.

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