Today we are here to talk about one of our most popular products that we have to sell. That is the 20’ Heavy Duty Telescoping flagpole. As this flagpole comes with special additions such as a 10-year warranty, a FREE 4’ x 6’ nylon American Flag, or FREE shipping, you can’t go wrong with this purchase. 

The 3” butt diameter and .090 wall thickness create a strong finish that is durable in all types of weather. Coming in with three different finish options you can find the one that is the best fit for you and your flagpole. These flags and flagpoles are 100% made in America and we can guarantee that you will be happy when you purchase a HD telescoping flagpole.

Don’t just listen to us, here is a customer who purchased this flag pole for their farm:

“Our farm's brightest spot is the American flag flying on our Liberty flag pole.  As the Holmes poem says, “Many an eye has danced to see that banner in the sky!"  Regardless of weary days, our flag is still there as a beacon of encouragement and a symbol of all who have fought and died for the principles of this great land.  ~~ Dorothy R. 

20' HD flagpole in front of farmhouse

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